Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The type of person I'm trying to be

I've thought a lot lately about my priorities, what type of person I'd like to be. Which is funny because it's not like I didn't know before, and it's not that I had stopped trying to be that person either. I believe that some of us, like myself, have to be reminded of what it is that we are striving for. Otherwise the details, whys, and wherefores knock us around a little.

The best way I can describe it is like when you walk into a room and you can't remember why the blazes you're there or what you went in to get, you just know it's SOMETHING, and eventually after thinking it over you remember, feel silly and pick up whatever it was, or say whatever it was you were supposed to and walk back out, no harm done. It's like that in a larger sense, and we forgotten why we are where we are, when we are etc.

For those that know me, it will come as no shock that I remembered what it was that I want to be through two things: wonderful people that are or have been in my life, and quotes. The particular quote in question was this :

" I want it said of me, by those who know me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower wherever I thought a flower would grow." -- Abraham Lincoln.

Really, it's not that different that my status message of "Be the change you wish to see in the world." which was said by one of my other favorite people, Gandhi. But, somehow it is. There is something about the idea of being a constant reminder of the kindness that exists in the world that makes me smile, not because of the potential for that which lies in myself. But for the potential that lies in all of us. Every single human being is capable of good, isn't that a marvelous thought? That we all have the capacity to be symbols of love, kindness, even hope?

I am blessed to have and to have had the people that I do in my life, they are constant reminders to push myself to do my best in every facet of my life. They're absolutely incredible even when they think they are failing, or when they are in their deepest moments of despair. I hope that they know that, especially the ones who can no longer be in my life. I would like to think that somehow, they know that I am grateful and that they are loved. Not only for who they are (which they are), but for the person they have helped, and will continue to help me become.

To anyone wondering why am I writing this, I am writing this based on the idea (and yes... it WILL be in the form of a quote) " You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no result"-- Gandhi. This is also known as the "Ripple Effect" that your actions have ripples that spread etc. I decided today that I'd like to ripple bravery, hope, gratitude, and kindness out into the world. Not for any reason in particular, it's not that I see a lack of those things demonstrated, I see that they are alive and well everywhere I look, I just did it because I wanted to. :)

Have a wonderful day!

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